KLASYCZNE => Muzyczne => Wątek zaczęty przez: dkb 05-05-2003 20:05:57

Tytuł: why is Terra Promessa (disco version) removed?
Wiadomość wysłana przez: dkb 05-05-2003 20:05:57
Even the original version of Terra Promessa is an italo-like production, and my proposal was disco version, which i saw exists. Btw.  Ascoli Sei Grande is not more italo than even the original Terra Promessa and it was not removed. Why? Just because when you see Eros, people automatically think,uuuhh, it can't be italo!
If so, in this case it was totally wrong thinking.
Thanx !

Tytuł: Re: why is Terra Promessa (disco version) removed?
Wiadomość wysłana przez: NetManiak 06-05-2003 08:05:20
Vote for the song you would like to download from this site

You can:
4) vote only for Italo Disco and EuroDisco from 80's songs. Other votes will be removed without any warning

Tytuł: Re: and my comment...
Wiadomość wysłana przez: NetManiak 06-05-2003 08:05:54
If I would allow to vote for anything , soon this vote list would be changed in a wish list for everything. And it is definitely not the purpose of this site. I am trying to promote italo disco, doing it with the help of other fans who suggest interesting title from that genre.
As an owner of this site I can also make some exceptions from my rules, but it is really EXCEPTION! Don't blame me if your votes are in vain... In fact I am angry at those people who vote for those non italo/euro songs - it makes me a lot of work to find out that particular title is not italo, and believe me I would like to spend that time in more pleasant way... Unfortunately a lot of people don't understand it, thinking that this site is an automat fullfiling their request for free. It is not for free!!!! It takes my precious time and a lot of money, but who cares, only few people are smart enough to understand it...

Tytuł: You're the boss ! Respect !
Wiadomość wysłana przez: dkb 06-05-2003 23:05:41
But try to eplain that to those whose proposal is, for example, Adventures - Send My Heart. Now, fullfilling that (for the second time as i can recall) would be exception over all exceptions :):).  At least what i can say for myself is that i must be among those few who are smart enough to understand the meaning of this site, so instead proposing, let's say Simple Minds, i proposed, and never got, an Italo song.
And i understand that this site is not for free, i pay for the internet :):), but true, not for the songs. That's why i send you songs whenever i have one you search for , and never ask for anything in return, respecting your effort.
Respect !