Notowanie - nr #364 z dnia 07-09-2014
1(1) 5. tyg. |
Stop For A Minute Sandra |
2(2) 7. tyg. |
Victory Of Love Alphaville |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Beach Love Rofo |
4(4) 10. tyg. |
Gimme Gimme Your Lovin' >Little Lady< Bad Boys Blue |
5(5) 2. tyg. |
Fantasy Lian Ross |
6(3) 3. tyg. |
House Of Mystic Lights C.C. Catch |
7(N) 1. tyg. |
Fatal Destination Claudia T. |
8(10) 2. tyg. |
I Am Your Believer Silent Circle |
9(7) 4. tyg. |
L.A. Goodbye Secret Service |
10(14) 2. tyg. |
In The Dark Angie Dylan |
11(6) 5. tyg. |
Why Did You Do It Just Tonight Modern Talking |
12(12) 9. tyg. |
She's A Lady Blue System |
13(N) 1. tyg. |
Like A Virgin Madonna |
14(N) 1. tyg. |
Zludzenia Telelenia Papa Dance |
15(8) 2. tyg. |
Bad Boy Den Harrow |
16(17) 4. tyg. |
Japanese Girls Joy |
17(15) 3. tyg. |
Something I Should Know Hubert Kah |
18(11) 2. tyg. |
One Day Fred Ventura |
19(N) 1. tyg. |
Girl (You Are My Song) F.R. David |
20(16) 3. tyg. |
Time Will Tell The Twins |
Notowanie - nr #363 z dnia 31-08-2014
1(1) 4. tyg. |
Stop For A Minute Sandra |
2(3) 6. tyg. |
Victory Of Love Alphaville |
3(2) 2. tyg. |
House Of Mystic Lights C.C. Catch |
4(4) 9. tyg. |
Gimme Gimme Your Lovin' >Little Lady< Bad Boys Blue |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
Fantasy Lian Ross |
6(5) 4. tyg. |
Why Did You Do It Just Tonight Modern Talking |
7(8) 3. tyg. |
L.A. Goodbye Secret Service |
8(N) 1. tyg. |
Bad Boy Den Harrow |
9(N) 1. tyg. |
Doucement (Tell Me Why) Sally Swan |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
I Am Your Believer Silent Circle |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
One Day Fred Ventura |
12(15) 8. tyg. |
She's A Lady Blue System |
13(N) 1. tyg. |
Stranger Moulin Rouge |
14(N) 1. tyg. |
In The Dark Angie Dylan |
15(7) 2. tyg. |
Something I Should Know Hubert Kah |
16(6) 2. tyg. |
Time Will Tell The Twins |
17(10) 3. tyg. |
Japanese Girls Joy |
18(18) 6. tyg. |
Never Never Comes Classix Nouveaux |
19(12) 4. tyg. |
Blue Eyed Lady Fancy |
20(13) 2. tyg. |
Sunshine Reggae Laid Back |
Notowanie - nr #362 z dnia 24-08-2014
1(1) 3. tyg. |
Stop For A Minute Sandra |
2(N) 1. tyg. |
House Of Mystic Lights C.C. Catch |
3(3) 5. tyg. |
Victory Of Love Alphaville |
4(2) 8. tyg. |
Gimme Gimme Your Lovin' >Little Lady< Bad Boys Blue |
5(4) 3. tyg. |
Why Did You Do It Just Tonight Modern Talking |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
Time Will Tell The Twins |
7(N) 1. tyg. |
Something I Should Know Hubert Kah |
8(5) 2. tyg. |
L.A. Goodbye Secret Service |
9(7) 8. tyg. |
Paninaro Pet Shop Boys |
10(6) 2. tyg. |
Japanese Girls Joy |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
I Ran (So Far Away) A Flock Of Seagulls |
12(11) 3. tyg. |
Blue Eyed Lady Fancy |
13(N) 1. tyg. |
Sunshine Reggae Laid Back |
14(N) 1. tyg. |
Could It Be Forever Secret Lovers |
15(19) 7. tyg. |
She's A Lady Blue System |
16(N) 1. tyg. |
Big Star Julia Claire |
17(16) 2. tyg. |
Cannibals (Baa-Bou - Baa Bou) Lee Marrow |
18(10) 5. tyg. |
Never Never Comes Classix Nouveaux |
19(17) 9. tyg. |
I Need Your Love Midnight Passion |
20(14) 3. tyg. |
Time To Fly (Sing My Song) Kenny Masters |
Notowanie - nr #361 z dnia 17-08-2014
1(3) 2. tyg. |
Stop For A Minute Sandra |
2(2) 7. tyg. |
Gimme Gimme Your Lovin' >Little Lady< Bad Boys Blue |
3(4) 4. tyg. |
Victory Of Love Alphaville |
4(1) 2. tyg. |
Why Did You Do It Just Tonight Modern Talking |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
L.A. Goodbye Secret Service |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
Japanese Girls Joy |
7(12) 7. tyg. |
Paninaro Pet Shop Boys |
8(N) 1. tyg. |
What Is Love? Howard Jones |
9(8) 3. tyg. |
Just A Love Affair Max-Him |
10(10) 4. tyg. |
Never Never Comes Classix Nouveaux |
11(6) 2. tyg. |
Blue Eyed Lady Fancy |
12(N) 1. tyg. |
Right By The Moon K. Barre |
13(15) 2. tyg. |
Enola Gay Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark |
14(5) 2. tyg. |
Time To Fly (Sing My Song) Kenny Masters |
15(N) 1. tyg. |
Tell Me The Reason Alan Barry |
16(N) 1. tyg. |
Cannibals (Baa-Bou - Baa Bou) Lee Marrow |
17(16) 8. tyg. |
I Need Your Love Midnight Passion |
18(9) 4. tyg. |
Dancin' In The Summernight Malibu |
19(14) 6. tyg. |
She's A Lady Blue System |
20(13) 3. tyg. |
May Day Eddy Huntington |
Notowanie - nr #360 z dnia 10-08-2014
1(N) 1. tyg. |
Why Did You Do It Just Tonight Modern Talking |
2(1) 6. tyg. |
Gimme Gimme Your Lovin' >Little Lady< Bad Boys Blue |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Stop For A Minute Sandra |
4(2) 3. tyg. |
Victory Of Love Alphaville |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
Time To Fly (Sing My Song) Kenny Masters |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
Blue Eyed Lady Fancy |
7(5) 5. tyg. |
Ebony Eyes John Christian |
8(6) 2. tyg. |
Just A Love Affair Max-Him |
9(8) 3. tyg. |
Dancin' In The Summernight Malibu |
10(3) 3. tyg. |
Never Never Comes Classix Nouveaux |
11(4) 2. tyg. |
Ciao Siciliano Umberto Tabbi |
12(7) 6. tyg. |
Paninaro Pet Shop Boys |
13(11) 2. tyg. |
May Day Eddy Huntington |
14(15) 5. tyg. |
She's A Lady Blue System |
15(N) 1. tyg. |
Enola Gay Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark |
16(18) 7. tyg. |
I Need Your Love Midnight Passion |
17(13) 2. tyg. |
Touch My Heart Danuta |
18(14) 4. tyg. |
Nuit De Folie Debut De Soiree |
19(N) 1. tyg. |
Catch The Fox Den Harrow |
20(17) 4. tyg. |
Like A Burning Star Jessica |
Notowanie - nr #359 z dnia 03-08-2014
1(1) 5. tyg. |
Gimme Gimme Your Lovin' >Little Lady< Bad Boys Blue |
2(3) 2. tyg. |
Victory Of Love Alphaville |
3(4) 2. tyg. |
Never Never Comes Classix Nouveaux |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
Ciao Siciliano Umberto Tabbi |
5(2) 4. tyg. |
Ebony Eyes John Christian |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
Just A Love Affair Max-Him |
7(6) 5. tyg. |
Paninaro Pet Shop Boys |
8(5) 2. tyg. |
Dancin' In The Summernight Malibu |
9(N) 1. tyg. |
True Spandau Ballet |
10(9) 10. tyg. |
Strangers By Night C.C. Catch |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
May Day Eddy Huntington |
12(N) 1. tyg. |
Playboy David Lyme |
13(N) 1. tyg. |
Touch My Heart Danuta |
14(16) 3. tyg. |
Nuit De Folie Debut De Soiree |
15(8) 4. tyg. |
She's A Lady Blue System |
16(11) 3. tyg. |
With A Boy Like You Chriss |
17(15) 3. tyg. |
Like A Burning Star Jessica |
18(17) 6. tyg. |
I Need Your Love Midnight Passion |
19(12) 4. tyg. |
Lady Lady Uffe Soderberg |
20(N) 1. tyg. |
Key Key Karimba Baltimora |
Notowanie - nr #358 z dnia 27-07-2014
1(1) 4. tyg. |
Gimme Gimme Your Lovin' >Little Lady< Bad Boys Blue |
2(3) 3. tyg. |
Ebony Eyes John Christian |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Victory Of Love Alphaville |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
Never Never Comes Classix Nouveaux |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
Dancin' In The Summernight Malibu |
6(9) 4. tyg. |
Paninaro Pet Shop Boys |
7(N) 1. tyg. |
Ti Sento Matia Bazar |
8(2) 3. tyg. |
She's A Lady Blue System |
9(5) 9. tyg. |
Strangers By Night C.C. Catch |
10(6) 7. tyg. |
Tora Tora Tora Numero Uno |
11(7) 2. tyg. |
With A Boy Like You Chriss |
12(17) 3. tyg. |
Lady Lady Uffe Soderberg |
13(N) 1. tyg. |
My Black Lady Caesar |
14(N) 1. tyg. |
Gambit Michael Cretu |
15(4) 2. tyg. |
Like A Burning Star Jessica |
16(8) 2. tyg. |
Nuit De Folie Debut De Soiree |
17(20) 5. tyg. |
I Need Your Love Midnight Passion |
18(10) 2. tyg. |
Music F.R. David |
19(N) 1. tyg. |
I'm Alive Tonight Grant Miller |
20(11) 5. tyg. |
O-La-La Papa Dance |
Notowanie - nr #357 z dnia 20-07-2014
1(1) 3. tyg. |
Gimme Gimme Your Lovin' >Little Lady< Bad Boys Blue |
2(2) 2. tyg. |
She's A Lady Blue System |
3(3) 2. tyg. |
Ebony Eyes John Christian |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
Like A Burning Star Jessica |
5(5) 8. tyg. |
Strangers By Night C.C. Catch |
6(4) 6. tyg. |
Tora Tora Tora Numero Uno |
7(N) 1. tyg. |
With A Boy Like You Chriss |
8(N) 1. tyg. |
Nuit De Folie Debut De Soiree |
9(6) 3. tyg. |
Paninaro Pet Shop Boys |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
Music F.R. David |
11(11) 4. tyg. |
O-La-La Papa Dance |
12(7) 2. tyg. |
Time Savage |
13(N) 1. tyg. |
Little Lady Aneka |
14(10) 5. tyg. |
Quelque Chose Dans Mon Coeur Elsa |
15(8) 15. tyg. |
Slow Motion Modern Talking |
16(N) 1. tyg. |
I Wanna Be Your Wife Spagna |
17(16) 2. tyg. |
Lady Lady Uffe Soderberg |
18(N) 1. tyg. |
Fragile Al Bano & Romina Power |
19(15) 9. tyg. |
Electric Nights Dave Merlin |
20(18) 4. tyg. |
I Need Your Love Midnight Passion |
Notowanie - nr #356 z dnia 13-07-2014
1(1) 2. tyg. |
Gimme Gimme Your Lovin' >Little Lady< Bad Boys Blue |
2(N) 1. tyg. |
She's A Lady Blue System |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Ebony Eyes John Christian |
4(3) 5. tyg. |
Tora Tora Tora Numero Uno |
5(4) 7. tyg. |
Strangers By Night C.C. Catch |
6(2) 2. tyg. |
Paninaro Pet Shop Boys |
7(N) 1. tyg. |
Time Savage |
8(6) 14. tyg. |
Slow Motion Modern Talking |
9(N) 1. tyg. |
Zanzibar Arabesque |
10(8) 4. tyg. |
Quelque Chose Dans Mon Coeur Elsa |
11(10) 3. tyg. |
O-La-La Papa Dance |
12(7) 2. tyg. |
Just Like Diamonds Sandra |
13(13) 4. tyg. |
Eye To Eye TMF Feat. Joe "Bean" Esposito |
14(5) 3. tyg. |
C'est La Vie Fancy |
15(17) 8. tyg. |
Electric Nights Dave Merlin |
16(N) 1. tyg. |
Lady Lady Uffe Soderberg |
17(N) 1. tyg. |
Je T'Aime Means I Love You David Hasselhoff |
18(14) 3. tyg. |
I Need Your Love Midnight Passion |
19(9) 2. tyg. |
Ella Elle L'A France Gall |
20(12) 7. tyg. |
Juliet Robin Gibb |
Notowanie - nr #355 z dnia 06-07-2014
1(N) 1. tyg. |
Gimme Gimme Your Lovin' >Little Lady< Bad Boys Blue |
2(N) 1. tyg. |
Paninaro Pet Shop Boys |
3(1) 4. tyg. |
Tora Tora Tora Numero Uno |
4(2) 6. tyg. |
Strangers By Night C.C. Catch |
5(6) 2. tyg. |
C'est La Vie Fancy |
6(9) 13. tyg. |
Slow Motion Modern Talking |
7(N) 1. tyg. |
Just Like Diamonds Sandra |
8(4) 3. tyg. |
Quelque Chose Dans Mon Coeur Elsa |
9(N) 1. tyg. |
Ella Elle L'A France Gall |
10(3) 2. tyg. |
O-La-La Papa Dance |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
Fairy-Tale Rose |
12(15) 6. tyg. |
Juliet Robin Gibb |
13(17) 3. tyg. |
Eye To Eye TMF Feat. Joe "Bean" Esposito |
14(10) 2. tyg. |
I Need Your Love Midnight Passion |
15(N) 1. tyg. |
Maid Of Orleans Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark |
16(8) 2. tyg. |
Girl Of The 80's Go To |
17(16) 7. tyg. |
Electric Nights Dave Merlin |
18(5) 5. tyg. |
Szerelemre Szulettem Zoltan Erika |
19(14) 9. tyg. |
Kahlua Sun Essence |
20(N) 1. tyg. |
Ooh, My Love Evada |
Notowanie - nr #354 z dnia 29-06-2014
1(2) 3. tyg. |
Tora Tora Tora Numero Uno |
2(1) 5. tyg. |
Strangers By Night C.C. Catch |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
O-La-La Papa Dance |
4(3) 2. tyg. |
Quelque Chose Dans Mon Coeur Elsa |
5(4) 4. tyg. |
Szerelemre Szulettem Zoltan Erika |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
C'est La Vie Fancy |
7(N) 1. tyg. |
Survivor In Love Baltimora |
8(N) 1. tyg. |
Girl Of The 80's Go To |
9(7) 12. tyg. |
Slow Motion Modern Talking |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
I Need Your Love Midnight Passion |
11(8) 2. tyg. |
A Far L'Amore Comincia Tu Barbara |
12(6) 2. tyg. |
Targets Michael Cretu |
13(N) 1. tyg. |
Mr. Fantasy Lee Marrow |
14(5) 8. tyg. |
Kahlua Sun Essence |
15(12) 5. tyg. |
Juliet Robin Gibb |
16(9) 6. tyg. |
Electric Nights Dave Merlin |
17(10) 2. tyg. |
Eye To Eye TMF Feat. Joe "Bean" Esposito |
18(18) 4. tyg. |
I Want You Rofo |
19(13) 4. tyg. |
London Nights London Boys |
20(16) 3. tyg. |
Cherish Kool & The Gang |
Notowanie - nr #353 z dnia 22-06-2014
1(1) 4. tyg. |
Strangers By Night C.C. Catch |
2(2) 2. tyg. |
Tora Tora Tora Numero Uno |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Quelque Chose Dans Mon Coeur Elsa |
4(8) 3. tyg. |
Szerelemre Szulettem Zoltan Erika |
5(4) 7. tyg. |
Kahlua Sun Essence |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
Targets Michael Cretu |
7(7) 11. tyg. |
Slow Motion Modern Talking |
8(N) 1. tyg. |
A Far L'Amore Comincia Tu Barbara |
9(18) 5. tyg. |
Electric Nights Dave Merlin |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
Eye To Eye TMF Feat. Joe "Bean" Esposito |
11(6) 2. tyg. |
Shy Girl Silent Circle |
12(10) 4. tyg. |
Juliet Robin Gibb |
13(14) 3. tyg. |
London Nights London Boys |
14(3) 2. tyg. |
Self Control RAF |
15(17) 2. tyg. |
Harry 'O Noa-Noa |
16(5) 2. tyg. |
Cherish Kool & The Gang |
17(12) 10. tyg. |
Another Lonely Night Blue System |
18(11) 3. tyg. |
I Want You Rofo |
19(N) 1. tyg. |
Seeds Alphaville |
20(9) 2. tyg. |
Don't Cry Ken Laszlo |
Notowanie - nr #352 z dnia 15-06-2014
1(1) 3. tyg. |
Strangers By Night C.C. Catch |
2(N) 1. tyg. |
Tora Tora Tora Numero Uno |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Self Control RAF |
4(6) 6. tyg. |
Kahlua Sun Essence |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
Cherish Kool & The Gang |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
Shy Girl Silent Circle |
7(4) 10. tyg. |
Slow Motion Modern Talking |
8(3) 2. tyg. |
Szerelemre Szulettem Zoltan Erika |
9(N) 1. tyg. |
Don't Cry Ken Laszlo |
10(10) 3. tyg. |
Juliet Robin Gibb |
11(5) 2. tyg. |
I Want You Rofo |
12(7) 9. tyg. |
Another Lonely Night Blue System |
13(N) 1. tyg. |
Julian Mandy Winter |
14(2) 2. tyg. |
London Nights London Boys |
15(13) 3. tyg. |
The Living Daylights a-ha |
16(17) 6. tyg. |
Hey Angel Gina T. |
17(N) 1. tyg. |
Harry 'O Noa-Noa |
18(16) 4. tyg. |
Electric Nights Dave Merlin |
19(12) 5. tyg. |
Canta Con Migo Trillion |
20(19) 16. tyg. |
For Your Love Bad Boys Blue |
Notowanie - nr #351 z dnia 08-06-2014
1(1) 2. tyg. |
Strangers By Night C.C. Catch |
2(N) 1. tyg. |
London Nights London Boys |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Szerelemre Szulettem Zoltan Erika |
4(2) 9. tyg. |
Slow Motion Modern Talking |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
I Want You Rofo |
6(8) 5. tyg. |
Kahlua Sun Essence |
7(3) 8. tyg. |
Another Lonely Night Blue System |
8(7) 4. tyg. |
Mama Riky Maltese |
9(N) 1. tyg. |
Lady Africa Mauro |
10(5) 2. tyg. |
Juliet Robin Gibb |
11(6) 2. tyg. |
Love In The Stars Ricky Mash |
12(4) 4. tyg. |
Canta Con Migo Trillion |
13(11) 2. tyg. |
The Living Daylights a-ha |
14(N) 1. tyg. |
If You Leave Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark |
15(N) 1. tyg. |
Toy Boy Sinitta |
16(13) 3. tyg. |
Electric Nights Dave Merlin |
17(16) 5. tyg. |
Hey Angel Gina T. |
18(10) 9. tyg. |
Never Trust A Stranger Kim Wilde |
19(15) 15. tyg. |
For Your Love Bad Boys Blue |
20(12) 6. tyg. |
Ways Of Love Fancy |
Notowanie - nr #350 z dnia 01-06-2014
1(N) 1. tyg. |
Strangers By Night C.C. Catch |
2(2) 8. tyg. |
Slow Motion Modern Talking |
3(3) 7. tyg. |
Another Lonely Night Blue System |
4(5) 3. tyg. |
Canta Con Migo Trillion |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
Juliet Robin Gibb |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
Love In The Stars Ricky Mash |
7(4) 3. tyg. |
Mama Riky Maltese |
8(11) 4. tyg. |
Kahlua Sun Essence |
9(6) 4. tyg. |
Imagine Fred Ventura |
10(9) 8. tyg. |
Never Trust A Stranger Kim Wilde |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
The Living Daylights a-ha |
12(12) 5. tyg. |
Ways Of Love Fancy |
13(8) 2. tyg. |
Electric Nights Dave Merlin |
14(13) 5. tyg. |
When Love Is The Missing Word Cretu And Thiers |
15(7) 14. tyg. |
For Your Love Bad Boys Blue |
16(10) 4. tyg. |
Hey Angel Gina T. |
17(1) 2. tyg. |
Love Is A Shield Camouflage |
18(19) 14. tyg. |
Love Theme From Flexxy-Ball (You'll Never Change No More) Flexx |
19(N) 1. tyg. |
Soon, Soon Avalanche |
20(N) 1. tyg. |
My Mind Twilight |
Notowanie - nr #349 z dnia 25-05-2014
1(N) 1. tyg. |
Love Is A Shield Camouflage |
2(3) 7. tyg. |
Slow Motion Modern Talking |
3(1) 6. tyg. |
Another Lonely Night Blue System |
4(2) 2. tyg. |
Mama Riky Maltese |
5(4) 2. tyg. |
Canta Con Migo Trillion |
6(7) 3. tyg. |
Imagine Fred Ventura |
7(13) 13. tyg. |
For Your Love Bad Boys Blue |
8(N) 1. tyg. |
Electric Nights Dave Merlin |
9(11) 7. tyg. |
Never Trust A Stranger Kim Wilde |
10(14) 3. tyg. |
Hey Angel Gina T. |
11(10) 3. tyg. |
Kahlua Sun Essence |
12(18) 4. tyg. |
Ways Of Love Fancy |
13(6) 4. tyg. |
When Love Is The Missing Word Cretu And Thiers |
14(5) 2. tyg. |
Colder Than Ice Grant Miller |
15(N) 1. tyg. |
Bantu Red Box |
16(N) 1. tyg. |
Night Girl Brian Ice |
17(19) 12. tyg. |
Major Tom (Coming Home) Peter Schilling |
18(16) 8. tyg. |
Aliens Radiorama |
19(12) 13. tyg. |
Love Theme From Flexxy-Ball (You'll Never Change No More) Flexx |
20(8) 3. tyg. |
Give Me Your Name Buckingham Palace |
Notowanie - nr #348 z dnia 18-05-2014
1(3) 5. tyg. |
Another Lonely Night Blue System |
2(N) 1. tyg. |
Mama Riky Maltese |
3(1) 6. tyg. |
Slow Motion Modern Talking |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
Canta Con Migo Trillion |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
Colder Than Ice Grant Miller |
6(8) 3. tyg. |
When Love Is The Missing Word Cretu And Thiers |
7(9) 2. tyg. |
Imagine Fred Ventura |
8(4) 2. tyg. |
Give Me Your Name Buckingham Palace |
9(19) 4. tyg. |
A Little Respect Erasure |
10(6) 2. tyg. |
Kahlua Sun Essence |
11(7) 6. tyg. |
Never Trust A Stranger Kim Wilde |
12(10) 12. tyg. |
Love Theme From Flexxy-Ball (You'll Never Change No More) Flexx |
13(2) 12. tyg. |
For Your Love Bad Boys Blue |
14(5) 2. tyg. |
Hey Angel Gina T. |
15(15) 13. tyg. |
Let Us Dance Just A Little Bit More Secret Service |
16(20) 7. tyg. |
Aliens Radiorama |
17(N) 1. tyg. |
I Surrender F.R. David |
18(13) 3. tyg. |
Ways Of Love Fancy |
19(12) 11. tyg. |
Major Tom (Coming Home) Peter Schilling |
20(N) 1. tyg. |
Especially For You Kylie Minogue, Jason Donovan |
Notowanie - nr #347 z dnia 11-05-2014
1(1) 5. tyg. |
Slow Motion Modern Talking |
2(2) 11. tyg. |
For Your Love Bad Boys Blue |
3(3) 4. tyg. |
Another Lonely Night Blue System |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
Give Me Your Name Buckingham Palace |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
Hey Angel Gina T. |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
Kahlua Sun Essence |
7(6) 5. tyg. |
Never Trust A Stranger Kim Wilde |
8(4) 2. tyg. |
When Love Is The Missing Word Cretu And Thiers |
9(N) 1. tyg. |
Imagine Fred Ventura |
10(14) 11. tyg. |
Love Theme From Flexxy-Ball (You'll Never Change No More) Flexx |
11(5) 4. tyg. |
Harlem Desire London Boys |
12(10) 10. tyg. |
Major Tom (Coming Home) Peter Schilling |
13(7) 2. tyg. |
Ways Of Love Fancy |
14(8) 2. tyg. |
Do It Again Luca Coveri |
15(15) 12. tyg. |
Let Us Dance Just A Little Bit More Secret Service |
16(20) 20. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
17(N) 1. tyg. |
C'est La Vie Foreign Currency |
18(18) 3. tyg. |
On The Tray Sandra |
19(9) 3. tyg. |
A Little Respect Erasure |
20(11) 6. tyg. |
Aliens Radiorama |
Notowanie - nr #346 z dnia 04-05-2014
1(1) 4. tyg. |
Slow Motion Modern Talking |
2(3) 10. tyg. |
For Your Love Bad Boys Blue |
3(2) 3. tyg. |
Another Lonely Night Blue System |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
When Love Is The Missing Word Cretu And Thiers |
5(9) 3. tyg. |
Harlem Desire London Boys |
6(7) 4. tyg. |
Never Trust A Stranger Kim Wilde |
7(N) 1. tyg. |
Ways Of Love Fancy |
8(N) 1. tyg. |
Do It Again Luca Coveri |
9(5) 2. tyg. |
A Little Respect Erasure |
10(17) 9. tyg. |
Major Tom (Coming Home) Peter Schilling |
11(13) 5. tyg. |
Aliens Radiorama |
12(N) 1. tyg. |
Rock Me Amadeus Falco |
13(14) 13. tyg. |
I Don't Wanna Loose You Tonight Patty Ryan |
14(11) 10. tyg. |
Love Theme From Flexxy-Ball (You'll Never Change No More) Flexx |
15(20) 11. tyg. |
Let Us Dance Just A Little Bit More Secret Service |
16(4) 2. tyg. |
Future Brain Den Harrow |
17(N) 1. tyg. |
Computer Guy Palmer |
18(12) 2. tyg. |
On The Tray Sandra |
19(6) 2. tyg. |
Big City Calling Petr Kotvald |
20(18) 19. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
Notowanie - nr #345 z dnia 27-04-2014
1(2) 3. tyg. |
Slow Motion Modern Talking |
2(3) 2. tyg. |
Another Lonely Night Blue System |
3(1) 9. tyg. |
For Your Love Bad Boys Blue |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
Future Brain Den Harrow |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
A Little Respect Erasure |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
Big City Calling Petr Kotvald |
7(8) 3. tyg. |
Never Trust A Stranger Kim Wilde |
8(19) 5. tyg. |
Zawsze Kochaj Mnie Kapitan Nemo |
9(4) 2. tyg. |
Harlem Desire London Boys |
10(5) 3. tyg. |
Week-End Atrium |
11(6) 9. tyg. |
Love Theme From Flexxy-Ball (You'll Never Change No More) Flexx |
12(N) 1. tyg. |
On The Tray Sandra |
13(9) 4. tyg. |
Aliens Radiorama |
14(7) 12. tyg. |
I Don't Wanna Loose You Tonight Patty Ryan |
15(N) 1. tyg. |
Ich Liebe Dich (I Love You) Trans-X |
16(13) 9. tyg. |
Little Russian Mr. Zivago |
17(14) 8. tyg. |
Major Tom (Coming Home) Peter Schilling |
18(16) 18. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
19(N) 1. tyg. |
Nie Ma Zysku Kombi |
20(11) 10. tyg. |
Let Us Dance Just A Little Bit More Secret Service |
Notowanie - nr #344 z dnia 20-04-2014
1(2) 8. tyg. |
For Your Love Bad Boys Blue |
2(1) 2. tyg. |
Slow Motion Modern Talking |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Another Lonely Night Blue System |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
Harlem Desire London Boys |
5(5) 2. tyg. |
Week-End Atrium |
6(4) 8. tyg. |
Love Theme From Flexxy-Ball (You'll Never Change No More) Flexx |
7(8) 11. tyg. |
I Don't Wanna Loose You Tonight Patty Ryan |
8(3) 2. tyg. |
Never Trust A Stranger Kim Wilde |
9(6) 3. tyg. |
Aliens Radiorama |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
I Want To Become Love Kills |
11(13) 9. tyg. |
Let Us Dance Just A Little Bit More Secret Service |
12(19) 5. tyg. |
Imagination Avenue |
13(7) 8. tyg. |
Little Russian Mr. Zivago |
14(9) 7. tyg. |
Major Tom (Coming Home) Peter Schilling |
15(11) 2. tyg. |
Always On My Mind Pet Shop Boys |
16(17) 17. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
17(N) 1. tyg. |
Say Jean Louis Levant |
18(N) 1. tyg. |
In Private Dusty Springfield |
19(12) 4. tyg. |
Zawsze Kochaj Mnie Kapitan Nemo |
20(N) 1. tyg. |
Letter From My Heart Steve Allen |
Notowanie - nr #343 z dnia 13-04-2014
1(N) 1. tyg. |
Slow Motion Modern Talking |
2(1) 7. tyg. |
For Your Love Bad Boys Blue |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Never Trust A Stranger Kim Wilde |
4(5) 7. tyg. |
Love Theme From Flexxy-Ball (You'll Never Change No More) Flexx |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
Week-End Atrium |
6(4) 2. tyg. |
Aliens Radiorama |
7(6) 7. tyg. |
Little Russian Mr. Zivago |
8(3) 10. tyg. |
I Don't Wanna Loose You Tonight Patty Ryan |
9(8) 6. tyg. |
Major Tom (Coming Home) Peter Schilling |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
No Tears Fancy |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
Always On My Mind Pet Shop Boys |
12(17) 3. tyg. |
Zawsze Kochaj Mnie Kapitan Nemo |
13(14) 8. tyg. |
Let Us Dance Just A Little Bit More Secret Service |
14(12) 9. tyg. |
For A Million Alphaville |
15(15) 10. tyg. |
Black Pearl Ken Laszlo |
16(10) 3. tyg. |
Give A Little Love Roxanne |
17(20) 16. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
18(2) 2. tyg. |
Pancho Villa Magazine 60 |
19(16) 4. tyg. |
Imagination Avenue |
20(19) 6. tyg. |
John Desireless |
Notowanie - nr #342 z dnia 06-04-2014
1(1) 6. tyg. |
For Your Love Bad Boys Blue |
2(N) 1. tyg. |
Pancho Villa Magazine 60 |
3(9) 9. tyg. |
I Don't Wanna Loose You Tonight Patty Ryan |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
Aliens Radiorama |
5(2) 6. tyg. |
Love Theme From Flexxy-Ball (You'll Never Change No More) Flexx |
6(11) 6. tyg. |
Little Russian Mr. Zivago |
7(N) 1. tyg. |
Oh, Don't Lose Your Heart Tonight Silent Circle |
8(6) 5. tyg. |
Major Tom (Coming Home) Peter Schilling |
9(N) 1. tyg. |
This Is My Life Eartha Kitt |
10(4) 2. tyg. |
Give A Little Love Roxanne |
11(7) 3. tyg. |
You And I Sandra |
12(12) 8. tyg. |
For A Million Alphaville |
13(N) 1. tyg. |
Lies Amanda Scott |
14(8) 7. tyg. |
Let Us Dance Just A Little Bit More Secret Service |
15(3) 9. tyg. |
Black Pearl Ken Laszlo |
16(18) 3. tyg. |
Imagination Avenue |
17(10) 2. tyg. |
Zawsze Kochaj Mnie Kapitan Nemo |
18(N) 1. tyg. |
This Time I Know It's For Real Donna Summer |
19(20) 5. tyg. |
John Desireless |
20(14) 15. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
Notowanie - nr #341 z dnia 30-03-2014
1(1) 5. tyg. |
For Your Love Bad Boys Blue |
2(7) 5. tyg. |
Love Theme From Flexxy-Ball (You'll Never Change No More) Flexx |
3(19) 8. tyg. |
Black Pearl Ken Laszlo |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
Give A Little Love Roxanne |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
Wichitah Woman London Boys |
6(13) 4. tyg. |
Major Tom (Coming Home) Peter Schilling |
7(3) 2. tyg. |
You And I Sandra |
8(18) 6. tyg. |
Let Us Dance Just A Little Bit More Secret Service |
9(8) 8. tyg. |
I Don't Wanna Loose You Tonight Patty Ryan |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
Zawsze Kochaj Mnie Kapitan Nemo |
11(4) 5. tyg. |
Little Russian Mr. Zivago |
12(6) 7. tyg. |
For A Million Alphaville |
13(14) 3. tyg. |
Dance To Dance Hands Of Love |
14(16) 14. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
15(N) 1. tyg. |
Call My Name Lisa G. |
16(20) 3. tyg. |
Leave Me Alone Fred Ventura |
17(5) 3. tyg. |
Celebrate Savage |
18(10) 2. tyg. |
Imagination Avenue |
19(9) 7. tyg. |
Dreaming Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark |
20(11) 4. tyg. |
John Desireless |
Notowanie - nr #340 z dnia 23-03-2014
1(1) 4. tyg. |
For Your Love Bad Boys Blue |
2(N) 1. tyg. |
Love Is Such A Lonely Sword Blue System |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
You And I Sandra |
4(2) 4. tyg. |
Little Russian Mr. Zivago |
5(4) 2. tyg. |
Celebrate Savage |
6(7) 6. tyg. |
For A Million Alphaville |
7(13) 4. tyg. |
Love Theme From Flexxy-Ball (You'll Never Change No More) Flexx |
8(15) 7. tyg. |
I Don't Wanna Loose You Tonight Patty Ryan |
9(18) 6. tyg. |
Dreaming Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
Imagination Avenue |
11(5) 3. tyg. |
John Desireless |
12(9) 14. tyg. |
Do You Wanna Modern Talking |
13(12) 3. tyg. |
Major Tom (Coming Home) Peter Schilling |
14(3) 2. tyg. |
Dance To Dance Hands Of Love |
15(N) 1. tyg. |
Lady Fantasy Max-Him |
16(14) 13. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
17(6) 2. tyg. |
Who's Ever Gonna Love You More Chicasss |
18(11) 5. tyg. |
Let Us Dance Just A Little Bit More Secret Service |
19(16) 7. tyg. |
Black Pearl Ken Laszlo |
20(10) 2. tyg. |
Leave Me Alone Fred Ventura |
Notowanie - nr #339 z dnia 16-03-2014
1(1) 3. tyg. |
For Your Love Bad Boys Blue |
2(2) 3. tyg. |
Little Russian Mr. Zivago |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Dance To Dance Hands Of Love |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
Celebrate Savage |
5(4) 2. tyg. |
John Desireless |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
Who's Ever Gonna Love You More Chicasss |
7(6) 5. tyg. |
For A Million Alphaville |
8(N) 1. tyg. |
Just A Mirage John "Jellybean" Benitez |
9(5) 13. tyg. |
Do You Wanna Modern Talking |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
Leave Me Alone Fred Ventura |
11(13) 4. tyg. |
Let Us Dance Just A Little Bit More Secret Service |
12(3) 2. tyg. |
Major Tom (Coming Home) Peter Schilling |
13(8) 3. tyg. |
Love Theme From Flexxy-Ball (You'll Never Change No More) Flexx |
14(9) 12. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
15(10) 6. tyg. |
I Don't Wanna Loose You Tonight Patty Ryan |
16(15) 6. tyg. |
Black Pearl Ken Laszlo |
17(12) 7. tyg. |
Selling Song Time |
18(11) 5. tyg. |
Dreaming Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark |
19(20) 6. tyg. |
Fools Cry Fancy |
20(17) 6. tyg. |
I Will Follow You Boys Next Door |
Notowanie - nr #338 z dnia 09-03-2014
1(2) 2. tyg. |
For Your Love Bad Boys Blue |
2(1) 2. tyg. |
Little Russian Mr. Zivago |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Major Tom (Coming Home) Peter Schilling |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
John Desireless |
5(3) 12. tyg. |
Do You Wanna Modern Talking |
6(7) 4. tyg. |
For A Million Alphaville |
7(N) 1. tyg. |
How Old Are You? Miko Mission |
8(10) 2. tyg. |
Love Theme From Flexxy-Ball (You'll Never Change No More) Flexx |
9(9) 11. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
10(4) 5. tyg. |
I Don't Wanna Loose You Tonight Patty Ryan |
11(8) 4. tyg. |
Dreaming Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark |
12(12) 6. tyg. |
Selling Song Time |
13(14) 3. tyg. |
Let Us Dance Just A Little Bit More Secret Service |
14(N) 1. tyg. |
Miss You Lili & Sussie |
15(15) 5. tyg. |
Black Pearl Ken Laszlo |
16(N) 1. tyg. |
Come Back Jimmy & Susy |
17(5) 5. tyg. |
I Will Follow You Boys Next Door |
18(17) 2. tyg. |
Miracles Webo |
19(N) 1. tyg. |
C'est La Vie, Mon Cherie Jessica |
20(11) 5. tyg. |
Fools Cry Fancy |
Notowanie - nr #337 z dnia 02-03-2014
1(N) 1. tyg. |
Little Russian Mr. Zivago |
2(N) 1. tyg. |
For Your Love Bad Boys Blue |
3(1) 11. tyg. |
Do You Wanna Modern Talking |
4(2) 4. tyg. |
I Don't Wanna Loose You Tonight Patty Ryan |
5(3) 4. tyg. |
I Will Follow You Boys Next Door |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
Loreen Sandra |
7(8) 3. tyg. |
For A Million Alphaville |
8(4) 3. tyg. |
Dreaming Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark |
9(6) 10. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
Love Theme From Flexxy-Ball (You'll Never Change No More) Flexx |
11(10) 4. tyg. |
Fools Cry Fancy |
12(16) 5. tyg. |
Selling Song Time |
13(N) 1. tyg. |
Lovers On The Run Glen Spove |
14(5) 2. tyg. |
Let Us Dance Just A Little Bit More Secret Service |
15(12) 4. tyg. |
Black Pearl Ken Laszlo |
16(11) 2. tyg. |
Johnny, Johnny Lala |
17(N) 1. tyg. |
Miracles Webo |
18(7) 2. tyg. |
It's A Sin Pet Shop Boys |
19(17) 3. tyg. |
Special Night Self Service |
20(13) 21. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
Notowanie - nr #336 z dnia 23-02-2014
1(2) 10. tyg. |
Do You Wanna Modern Talking |
2(10) 3. tyg. |
I Don't Wanna Loose You Tonight Patty Ryan |
3(1) 3. tyg. |
I Will Follow You Boys Next Door |
4(4) 2. tyg. |
Dreaming Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
Let Us Dance Just A Little Bit More Secret Service |
6(3) 9. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
7(N) 1. tyg. |
It's A Sin Pet Shop Boys |
8(5) 2. tyg. |
For A Million Alphaville |
9(N) 1. tyg. |
Angelina Angel Eyes Rex |
10(7) 3. tyg. |
Fools Cry Fancy |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
Johnny, Johnny Lala |
12(6) 3. tyg. |
Black Pearl Ken Laszlo |
13(13) 20. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
14(N) 1. tyg. |
The Midi Dance London Boys |
15(N) 1. tyg. |
Anyone Camouflage |
16(12) 4. tyg. |
Selling Song Time |
17(9) 2. tyg. |
Special Night Self Service |
18(8) 2. tyg. |
Calling America Electric Light Orchestra |
19(19) 7. tyg. |
Moonlight Affair Cliff Turner |
20(11) 2. tyg. |
Scandal Eyes Fesh |
Notowanie - nr #335 z dnia 16-02-2014
1(1) 2. tyg. |
I Will Follow You Boys Next Door |
2(2) 9. tyg. |
Do You Wanna Modern Talking |
3(3) 8. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
Dreaming Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
For A Million Alphaville |
6(8) 2. tyg. |
Black Pearl Ken Laszlo |
7(4) 2. tyg. |
Fools Cry Fancy |
8(N) 1. tyg. |
Calling America Electric Light Orchestra |
9(N) 1. tyg. |
Special Night Self Service |
10(10) 2. tyg. |
I Don't Wanna Loose You Tonight Patty Ryan |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
Scandal Eyes Fesh |
12(6) 3. tyg. |
Selling Song Time |
13(13) 19. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
14(N) 1. tyg. |
If You Ever Had A Broken Heart Jayne Collins |
15(5) 2. tyg. |
Mama Radio Rudy & Co. |
16(15) 2. tyg. |
Here I Am Mike Mareen |
17(12) 4. tyg. |
I Promised Myself Nick Kamen |
18(20) 4. tyg. |
Playback Fantasy O'Gar |
19(17) 6. tyg. |
Moonlight Affair Cliff Turner |
20(9) 3. tyg. |
Cuando Cuando Electra |
Notowanie - nr #334 z dnia 09-02-2014
1(N) 1. tyg. |
I Will Follow You Boys Next Door |
2(1) 8. tyg. |
Do You Wanna Modern Talking |
3(2) 7. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
Fools Cry Fancy |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
Mama Radio Rudy & Co. |
6(3) 2. tyg. |
Selling Song Time |
7(N) 1. tyg. |
Drama! Erasure |
8(N) 1. tyg. |
Black Pearl Ken Laszlo |
9(4) 2. tyg. |
Cuando Cuando Electra |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
I Don't Wanna Loose You Tonight Patty Ryan |
11(10) 9. tyg. |
I Can't Get Enough Prime Time |
12(16) 3. tyg. |
I Promised Myself Nick Kamen |
13(7) 18. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
14(5) 2. tyg. |
Stay On These Roads a-ha |
15(N) 1. tyg. |
Here I Am Mike Mareen |
16(18) 4. tyg. |
Secret Eyes L'Affair |
17(9) 5. tyg. |
Moonlight Affair Cliff Turner |
18(14) 15. tyg. |
No Regrets Bad Boys Blue |
19(6) 10. tyg. |
La Vista De Luna Sandra |
20(15) 3. tyg. |
Playback Fantasy O'Gar |
Notowanie - nr #333 z dnia 02-02-2014
1(1) 7. tyg. |
Do You Wanna Modern Talking |
2(2) 6. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Selling Song Time |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
Cuando Cuando Electra |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
Stay On These Roads a-ha |
6(8) 9. tyg. |
La Vista De Luna Sandra |
7(7) 17. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
8(14) 4. tyg. |
Johnny, Johnny Come Home Avalanche |
9(5) 4. tyg. |
Moonlight Affair Cliff Turner |
10(12) 8. tyg. |
I Can't Get Enough Prime Time |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
So Macho! Sinitta |
12(N) 1. tyg. |
One Love To Give Stephanie |
13(N) 1. tyg. |
Tonight Savage |
14(9) 14. tyg. |
No Regrets Bad Boys Blue |
15(10) 2. tyg. |
Playback Fantasy O'Gar |
16(3) 2. tyg. |
I Promised Myself Nick Kamen |
17(18) 3. tyg. |
New Life Depeche Mode |
18(6) 3. tyg. |
Secret Eyes L'Affair |
19(11) 7. tyg. |
Valerie Joy |
20(13) 3. tyg. |
Ocean Wspomnien Papa Dance |
Notowanie - nr #332 z dnia 26-01-2014
1(1) 6. tyg. |
Do You Wanna Modern Talking |
2(2) 5. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
I Promised Myself Nick Kamen |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
The Girl Of Lucifer Monte Kristo |
5(10) 3. tyg. |
Moonlight Affair Cliff Turner |
6(3) 2. tyg. |
Secret Eyes L'Affair |
7(5) 16. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
8(7) 8. tyg. |
La Vista De Luna Sandra |
9(13) 13. tyg. |
No Regrets Bad Boys Blue |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
Playback Fantasy O'Gar |
11(8) 6. tyg. |
Valerie Joy |
12(9) 7. tyg. |
I Can't Get Enough Prime Time |
13(4) 2. tyg. |
Ocean Wspomnien Papa Dance |
14(17) 3. tyg. |
Johnny, Johnny Come Home Avalanche |
15(N) 1. tyg. |
Do You Duke Lake |
16(15) 2. tyg. |
C'Est Toi Qui M'As Fait Francois Feldman |
17(N) 1. tyg. |
You Aren't Fall In Love Mark Tower |
18(6) 2. tyg. |
New Life Depeche Mode |
19(12) 5. tyg. |
Stai Con Me Francesco Napoli |
20(14) 3. tyg. |
Love Al Bano & Romina Power |
Notowanie - nr #331 z dnia 19-01-2014
1(2) 5. tyg. |
Do You Wanna Modern Talking |
2(1) 4. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Secret Eyes L'Affair |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
Ocean Wspomnien Papa Dance |
5(5) 15. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
New Life Depeche Mode |
7(4) 7. tyg. |
La Vista De Luna Sandra |
8(13) 5. tyg. |
Valerie Joy |
9(9) 6. tyg. |
I Can't Get Enough Prime Time |
10(3) 2. tyg. |
Moonlight Affair Cliff Turner |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
Give Me Your Body Dana Kay |
12(8) 4. tyg. |
Stai Con Me Francesco Napoli |
13(19) 12. tyg. |
No Regrets Bad Boys Blue |
14(6) 2. tyg. |
Love Al Bano & Romina Power |
15(N) 1. tyg. |
C'Est Toi Qui M'As Fait Francois Feldman |
16(15) 6. tyg. |
London Town Bucks Fizz |
17(10) 2. tyg. |
Johnny, Johnny Come Home Avalanche |
18(7) 2. tyg. |
Too Young To Love Gina T. |
19(16) 7. tyg. |
Saturdays In Silesia Rational Youth |
20(N) 1. tyg. |
Canzone D'Amore Ricchi E Poveri |
Notowanie - nr #330 z dnia 12-01-2014
1(2) 3. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
2(1) 4. tyg. |
Do You Wanna Modern Talking |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Moonlight Affair Cliff Turner |
4(3) 6. tyg. |
La Vista De Luna Sandra |
5(7) 14. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
Love Al Bano & Romina Power |
7(N) 1. tyg. |
Too Young To Love Gina T. |
8(4) 3. tyg. |
Stai Con Me Francesco Napoli |
9(8) 5. tyg. |
I Can't Get Enough Prime Time |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
Johnny, Johnny Come Home Avalanche |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
Life George Gray |
12(11) 2. tyg. |
Living Like A Moviestar Boney M. |
13(15) 4. tyg. |
Valerie Joy |
14(N) 1. tyg. |
Together In Electric Dreams Giorgio Moroder & Phil Oakey |
15(5) 5. tyg. |
London Town Bucks Fizz |
16(9) 6. tyg. |
Saturdays In Silesia Rational Youth |
17(20) 2. tyg. |
Sound Again Twilight |
18(6) 2. tyg. |
Mira Me Regina |
19(16) 11. tyg. |
No Regrets Bad Boys Blue |
20(19) 2. tyg. |
Song Of Arabia Clad |
Notowanie - nr #329 z dnia 05-01-2014
1(1) 3. tyg. |
Do You Wanna Modern Talking |
2(2) 2. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
3(3) 5. tyg. |
La Vista De Luna Sandra |
4(4) 2. tyg. |
Stai Con Me Francesco Napoli |
5(10) 4. tyg. |
London Town Bucks Fizz |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
Mira Me Regina |
7(5) 13. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
8(6) 4. tyg. |
I Can't Get Enough Prime Time |
9(9) 5. tyg. |
Saturdays In Silesia Rational Youth |
10(11) 7. tyg. |
More Than A Kiss Michael Bedford |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
Living Like A Moviestar Boney M. |
12(14) 2. tyg. |
Forever Susanne Meals |
13(8) 2. tyg. |
Dancing Nowhere Stacey Q |
14(16) 5. tyg. |
Tirami Su Rocco Caruso & Children's Voice |
15(15) 3. tyg. |
Valerie Joy |
16(12) 10. tyg. |
No Regrets Bad Boys Blue |
17(7) 6. tyg. |
I Love You Tonight Terra Della Casa |
18(13) 3. tyg. |
King Arthur Valerie Dore |
19(N) 1. tyg. |
Song Of Arabia Clad |
20(N) 1. tyg. |
Sound Again Twilight |
Notowanie - nr #328 z dnia 29-12-2013
1(1) 2. tyg. |
Do You Wanna Modern Talking |
2(N) 1. tyg. |
Stay C.C. Catch |
3(2) 4. tyg. |
La Vista De Luna Sandra |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
Stai Con Me Francesco Napoli |
5(13) 12. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
6(6) 3. tyg. |
I Can't Get Enough Prime Time |
7(7) 5. tyg. |
I Love You Tonight Terra Della Casa |
8(N) 1. tyg. |
Dancing Nowhere Stacey Q |
9(5) 4. tyg. |
Saturdays In Silesia Rational Youth |
10(16) 3. tyg. |
London Town Bucks Fizz |
11(10) 6. tyg. |
More Than A Kiss Michael Bedford |
12(4) 9. tyg. |
No Regrets Bad Boys Blue |
13(3) 2. tyg. |
King Arthur Valerie Dore |
14(N) 1. tyg. |
Forever Susanne Meals |
15(8) 2. tyg. |
Valerie Joy |
16(12) 4. tyg. |
Tirami Su Rocco Caruso & Children's Voice |
17(N) 1. tyg. |
The Lion's Mouth Kajagoogoo |
18(N) 1. tyg. |
Humanidad Malvaho |
19(N) 1. tyg. |
Talk About Phaeax |
20(15) 10. tyg. |
Maxi Singiel Papa Dance |
Notowanie - nr #327 z dnia 22-12-2013
1(N) 1. tyg. |
Do You Wanna Modern Talking |
2(3) 3. tyg. |
La Vista De Luna Sandra |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
King Arthur Valerie Dore |
4(15) 8. tyg. |
No Regrets Bad Boys Blue |
5(11) 3. tyg. |
Saturdays In Silesia Rational Youth |
6(1) 2. tyg. |
I Can't Get Enough Prime Time |
7(2) 4. tyg. |
I Love You Tonight Terra Della Casa |
8(N) 1. tyg. |
Valerie Joy |
9(5) 2. tyg. |
Innocent Mike Oldfield |
10(9) 5. tyg. |
More Than A Kiss Michael Bedford |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
New Romantic Ameli |
12(8) 3. tyg. |
Tirami Su Rocco Caruso & Children's Voice |
13(16) 11. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
14(N) 1. tyg. |
Hush Hush David James & The U.P. Crew |
15(14) 9. tyg. |
Maxi Singiel Papa Dance |
16(20) 2. tyg. |
London Town Bucks Fizz |
17(13) 4. tyg. |
One More Chance Pet Shop Boys |
18(N) 1. tyg. |
Just You Sandy Wilson |
19(6) 4. tyg. |
Another Time Ventura |
20(17) 9. tyg. |
I See It In Your Eyes Secret Lovers |
Notowanie - nr #326 z dnia 15-12-2013
1(N) 1. tyg. |
I Can't Get Enough Prime Time |
2(4) 3. tyg. |
I Love You Tonight Terra Della Casa |
3(5) 2. tyg. |
La Vista De Luna Sandra |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
Chinese Restaurant Baltimora |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
Innocent Mike Oldfield |
6(1) 3. tyg. |
Another Time Ventura |
7(2) 2. tyg. |
Crazy Day Dream |
8(3) 2. tyg. |
Tirami Su Rocco Caruso & Children's Voice |
9(7) 4. tyg. |
More Than A Kiss Michael Bedford |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
S.O.S. Bandido Carrara |
11(6) 2. tyg. |
Saturdays In Silesia Rational Youth |
12(9) 4. tyg. |
My Love London Boys |
13(12) 3. tyg. |
One More Chance Pet Shop Boys |
14(17) 8. tyg. |
Maxi Singiel Papa Dance |
15(15) 7. tyg. |
No Regrets Bad Boys Blue |
16(16) 10. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
17(19) 8. tyg. |
I See It In Your Eyes Secret Lovers |
18(8) 2. tyg. |
Buona Sera Ciao Ciao Mauro |
19(14) 16. tyg. |
We Can't Go On Divo |
20(N) 1. tyg. |
London Town Bucks Fizz |
Notowanie - nr #325 z dnia 08-12-2013
1(1) 2. tyg. |
Another Time Ventura |
2(N) 1. tyg. |
Crazy Day Dream |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Tirami Su Rocco Caruso & Children's Voice |
4(6) 2. tyg. |
I Love You Tonight Terra Della Casa |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
La Vista De Luna Sandra |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
Saturdays In Silesia Rational Youth |
7(7) 3. tyg. |
More Than A Kiss Michael Bedford |
8(N) 1. tyg. |
Buona Sera Ciao Ciao Mauro |
9(4) 3. tyg. |
My Love London Boys |
10(5) 2. tyg. |
Heartbeat Fred Ventura |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
Africa Mike Mareen |
12(3) 2. tyg. |
One More Chance Pet Shop Boys |
13(N) 1. tyg. |
Children Of Paradise Boney M. |
14(2) 15. tyg. |
We Can't Go On Divo |
15(9) 6. tyg. |
No Regrets Bad Boys Blue |
16(8) 9. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
17(15) 7. tyg. |
Maxi Singiel Papa Dance |
18(14) 7. tyg. |
Why Can't We Live Angela Lee |
19(11) 7. tyg. |
I See It In Your Eyes Secret Lovers |
20(17) 20. tyg. |
Hollywood Nights C.C. Catch |
Notowanie - nr #324 z dnia 01-12-2013
1(N) 1. tyg. |
Another Time Ventura |
2(5) 14. tyg. |
We Can't Go On Divo |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
One More Chance Pet Shop Boys |
4(4) 2. tyg. |
My Love London Boys |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
Heartbeat Fred Ventura |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
I Love You Tonight Terra Della Casa |
7(2) 2. tyg. |
More Than A Kiss Michael Bedford |
8(11) 8. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
9(10) 5. tyg. |
No Regrets Bad Boys Blue |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
Lover Angel |
11(7) 6. tyg. |
I See It In Your Eyes Secret Lovers |
12(6) 7. tyg. |
Flash In The Night Public Passion |
13(18) 3. tyg. |
Send Me An Angel Real Life |
14(3) 6. tyg. |
Why Can't We Live Angela Lee |
15(12) 6. tyg. |
Maxi Singiel Papa Dance |
16(14) 13. tyg. |
Locomotion Tango Modern Talking |
17(15) 19. tyg. |
Hollywood Nights C.C. Catch |
18(N) 1. tyg. |
Call Me Spagna |
19(1) 3. tyg. |
Where Were You Last Night Ankie Bagger |
20(N) 1. tyg. |
Sub-Culture New Order |
Notowanie - nr #323 z dnia 24-11-2013
1(2) 2. tyg. |
Where Were You Last Night Ankie Bagger |
2(N) 1. tyg. |
More Than A Kiss Michael Bedford |
3(1) 5. tyg. |
Why Can't We Live Angela Lee |
4(N) 1. tyg. |
My Love London Boys |
5(3) 13. tyg. |
We Can't Go On Divo |
6(4) 6. tyg. |
Flash In The Night Public Passion |
7(7) 5. tyg. |
I See It In Your Eyes Secret Lovers |
8(N) 1. tyg. |
Roadrunner U.K. |
9(13) 3. tyg. |
Una Notte Speciale Alice |
10(14) 4. tyg. |
No Regrets Bad Boys Blue |
11(5) 7. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
12(17) 5. tyg. |
Maxi Singiel Papa Dance |
13(N) 1. tyg. |
Number One Fresh Color |
14(6) 12. tyg. |
Locomotion Tango Modern Talking |
15(10) 18. tyg. |
Hollywood Nights C.C. Catch |
16(18) 6. tyg. |
Just A Story Mike Rogers |
17(N) 1. tyg. |
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now Samantha Fox |
18(12) 2. tyg. |
Send Me An Angel Real Life |
19(10) 2. tyg. |
The Day Before You Came ABBA |
20(N) 1. tyg. |
Dream P. Lion |
Notowanie - nr #322 z dnia 17-11-2013
1(1) 4. tyg. |
Why Can't We Live Angela Lee |
2(N) 1. tyg. |
Where Were You Last Night Ankie Bagger |
3(4) 12. tyg. |
We Can't Go On Divo |
4(2) 5. tyg. |
Flash In The Night Public Passion |
5(6) 6. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
6(7) 11. tyg. |
Locomotion Tango Modern Talking |
7(20) 4. tyg. |
I See It In Your Eyes Secret Lovers |
8(8) 5. tyg. |
Love Her For Ever Rosko |
9(N) 1. tyg. |
The Day Before You Came ABBA |
10(15) 17. tyg. |
Hollywood Nights C.C. Catch |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
Diamond Via Verdi |
12(N) 1. tyg. |
Send Me An Angel Real Life |
13(11) 2. tyg. |
Una Notte Speciale Alice |
14(5) 3. tyg. |
No Regrets Bad Boys Blue |
15(N) 1. tyg. |
Little Girl Sandra |
16(N) 1. tyg. |
Everybody Loves The Sunshine Fantastique |
17(10) 4. tyg. |
Maxi Singiel Papa Dance |
18(9) 5. tyg. |
Just A Story Mike Rogers |
19(N) 1. tyg. |
I'm In Love Joy |
20(14) 2. tyg. |
Bakerman Laid Back |
Notowanie - nr #321 z dnia 10-11-2013
1(1) 3. tyg. |
Why Can't We Live Angela Lee |
2(5) 4. tyg. |
Flash In The Night Public Passion |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Hot Love Djalana |
4(12) 11. tyg. |
We Can't Go On Divo |
5(3) 2. tyg. |
No Regrets Bad Boys Blue |
6(6) 5. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
7(4) 10. tyg. |
Locomotion Tango Modern Talking |
8(8) 4. tyg. |
Love Her For Ever Rosko |
9(13) 4. tyg. |
Just A Story Mike Rogers |
10(19) 3. tyg. |
Maxi Singiel Papa Dance |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
Una Notte Speciale Alice |
12(14) 5. tyg. |
Toner Av En Melodi Shanghai |
13(11) 4. tyg. |
What A Shame Silent Circle |
14(N) 1. tyg. |
Bakerman Laid Back |
15(7) 16. tyg. |
Hollywood Nights C.C. Catch |
16(N) 1. tyg. |
Lena 2 Belgen |
17(N) 1. tyg. |
Shattered Dreams Johnny Hates Jazz |
18(N) 1. tyg. |
Looking For Freedom David Hasselhoff |
19(11) 3. tyg. |
Love In Stereo Kristal |
20(10) 3. tyg. |
I See It In Your Eyes Secret Lovers |
Notowanie - nr #320 z dnia 03-11-2013
1(2) 2. tyg. |
Why Can't We Live Angela Lee |
2(N) 1. tyg. |
Happy World Ranko |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
No Regrets Bad Boys Blue |
4(3) 9. tyg. |
Locomotion Tango Modern Talking |
5(6) 3. tyg. |
Flash In The Night Public Passion |
6(4) 4. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
7(9) 15. tyg. |
Hollywood Nights C.C. Catch |
8(20) 3. tyg. |
Love Her For Ever Rosko |
9(10) 2. tyg. |
I See It In Your Eyes Secret Lovers |
10(5) 2. tyg. |
Love In Stereo Kristal |
11(8) 3. tyg. |
What A Shame Silent Circle |
12(14) 10. tyg. |
We Can't Go On Divo |
13(11) 3. tyg. |
Just A Story Mike Rogers |
14(12) 4. tyg. |
Toner Av En Melodi Shanghai |
15(N) 1. tyg. |
Silver Water Michael Cretu |
16(N) 1. tyg. |
Somewhere In The Night Stereo |
17(N) 1. tyg. |
Pick Up The Phone F.R. David |
18(1) 2. tyg. |
Just Around The Corner Cock Robin |
19(7) 2. tyg. |
Maxi Singiel Papa Dance |
20(N) 1. tyg. |
Men Of Destiny The Twins |
Notowanie - nr #319 z dnia 27-10-2013
1(N) 1. tyg. |
Just Around The Corner Cock Robin |
2(N) 1. tyg. |
Why Can't We Live Angela Lee |
3(2) 8. tyg. |
Locomotion Tango Modern Talking |
4(4) 3. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
Love In Stereo Kristal |
6(5) 2. tyg. |
Flash In The Night Public Passion |
7(N) 1. tyg. |
Maxi Singiel Papa Dance |
8(8) 2. tyg. |
What A Shame Silent Circle |
9(12) 14. tyg. |
Hollywood Nights C.C. Catch |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
I See It In Your Eyes Secret Lovers |
11(1) 2. tyg. |
Just A Story Mike Rogers |
12(3) 3. tyg. |
Toner Av En Melodi Shanghai |
13(N) 1. tyg. |
Holiday Love Affair On T.V. |
14(9) 9. tyg. |
We Can't Go On Divo |
15(13) 13. tyg. |
We'll Be Together Sandra |
16(10) 6. tyg. |
Shake The Disease Depeche Mode |
17(6) 3. tyg. |
Two For Love Miko Mission |
18(15) 3. tyg. |
Ci Sara Al Bano & Romina Power |
19(N) 1. tyg. |
Hey Hey Guy Ken Laszlo |
20(11) 2. tyg. |
Love Her For Ever Rosko |
Notowanie - nr #318 z dnia 20-10-2013
1(N) 1. tyg. |
Just A Story Mike Rogers |
2(4) 7. tyg. |
Locomotion Tango Modern Talking |
3(3) 2. tyg. |
Toner Av En Melodi Shanghai |
4(1) 2. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
Flash In The Night Public Passion |
6(2) 2. tyg. |
Two For Love Miko Mission |
7(7) 3. tyg. |
(You're) My Love, (You're) My Life Patty Ryan |
8(N) 1. tyg. |
What A Shame Silent Circle |
9(13) 8. tyg. |
We Can't Go On Divo |
10(9) 5. tyg. |
Shake The Disease Depeche Mode |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
Love Her For Ever Rosko |
12(5) 13. tyg. |
Hollywood Nights C.C. Catch |
13(8) 12. tyg. |
We'll Be Together Sandra |
14(11) 2. tyg. |
Mysteries Of Love Alphaville |
15(15) 2. tyg. |
Ci Sara Al Bano & Romina Power |
16(N) 1. tyg. |
Telephone Mama Gazebo |
17(N) 1. tyg. |
Dr. Mabuse Propaganda |
18(N) 1. tyg. |
Every Day (I Love You More) Jason Donovan |
19(14) 6. tyg. |
Faroutaway Trance Dance |
20(16) 8. tyg. |
Fires In The Night K-A-T-A |
Notowanie - nr #317 z dnia 13-10-2013
1(N) 1. tyg. |
Magic Symphony Blue System |
2(N) 1. tyg. |
Two For Love Miko Mission |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Toner Av En Melodi Shanghai |
4(4) 6. tyg. |
Locomotion Tango Modern Talking |
5(2) 12. tyg. |
Hollywood Nights C.C. Catch |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
You (I'll See You In My Dreams) Axodry |
7(1) 2. tyg. |
(You're) My Love, (You're) My Life Patty Ryan |
8(11) 11. tyg. |
We'll Be Together Sandra |
9(13) 4. tyg. |
Shake The Disease Depeche Mode |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
Sexy Teacher Check Up Twins |
11(N) 1. tyg. |
Mysteries Of Love Alphaville |
12(3) 2. tyg. |
Forever And A Day 93rd Superbowl |
13(18) 7. tyg. |
We Can't Go On Divo |
14(15) 5. tyg. |
Faroutaway Trance Dance |
15(N) 1. tyg. |
Ci Sara Al Bano & Romina Power |
16(5) 7. tyg. |
Fires In The Night K-A-T-A |
17(8) 4. tyg. |
Four Letter Word Kim Wilde |
18(7) 2. tyg. |
Stay With Me Key Largo |
19(9) 4. tyg. |
She's A Model Michael Heart |
20(12) 25. tyg. |
Pretty Young Girl Bad Boys Blue |
Notowanie - nr #316 z dnia 06-10-2013
1(N) 1. tyg. |
(You're) My Love, (You're) My Life Patty Ryan |
2(1) 11. tyg. |
Hollywood Nights C.C. Catch |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
Forever And A Day 93rd Superbowl |
4(2) 5. tyg. |
Locomotion Tango Modern Talking |
5(10) 6. tyg. |
Fires In The Night K-A-T-A |
6(N) 1. tyg. |
Heartbeat Sal Solo With Classix Nouveaux |
7(N) 1. tyg. |
Stay With Me Key Largo |
8(12) 3. tyg. |
Four Letter Word Kim Wilde |
9(4) 3. tyg. |
She's A Model Michael Heart |
10(N) 1. tyg. |
America Baby's Gang |
11(15) 10. tyg. |
We'll Be Together Sandra |
12(14) 24. tyg. |
Pretty Young Girl Bad Boys Blue |
13(8) 3. tyg. |
Shake The Disease Depeche Mode |
14(7) 2. tyg. |
Love Games Robert Camero |
15(11) 4. tyg. |
Faroutaway Trance Dance |
16(N) 1. tyg. |
I Beg Your Pardon Kon Kan |
17(N) 1. tyg. |
Pretty Baby Silver Pozzoli |
18(6) 6. tyg. |
We Can't Go On Divo |
19(17) 2. tyg. |
A Love Again Savage |
20(3) 2. tyg. |
I Love You Neoton Familia |
Notowanie - nr #315 z dnia 29-09-2013
1(2) 10. tyg. |
Hollywood Nights C.C. Catch |
2(1) 4. tyg. |
Locomotion Tango Modern Talking |
3(N) 1. tyg. |
I Love You Neoton Familia |
4(9) 2. tyg. |
She's A Model Michael Heart |
5(N) 1. tyg. |
High Society Girl Laid Back |
6(5) 5. tyg. |
We Can't Go On Divo |
7(N) 1. tyg. |
Love Games Robert Camero |
8(3) 2. tyg. |
Shake The Disease Depeche Mode |
9(N) 1. tyg. |
Dance You And Me Vinicio |
10(4) 5. tyg. |
Fires In The Night K-A-T-A |
11(19) 3. tyg. |
Faroutaway Trance Dance |
12(7) 2. tyg. |
Four Letter Word Kim Wilde |
13(15) 3. tyg. |
Run For Love Winder |
14(12) 23. tyg. |
Pretty Young Girl Bad Boys Blue |
15(18) 9. tyg. |
We'll Be Together Sandra |
16(17) 6. tyg. |
Agent Of Liberty Mike Mareen |
17(N) 1. tyg. |
A Love Again Savage |
18(10) 2. tyg. |
Straight Up Paula Abdul |
19(6) 2. tyg. |
Not The Loving Kind The Twins |
20(16) 5. tyg. |
The Land Of Make Believe Bucks Fizz |
Lista TOP80 DANCE CHARTS. Lista Przebojów v1.0 by NetManiak (C) 2013 All Rights Reserved.