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Italo Disco Carnaval Party On the Stena Line Ferry!!! GDYNIA - KARLSKRONA

 (Przeczytany 7517 razy)
0 użytkowników i 1 Gość przegląda ten wątek.

Pomocna dłoń: +7/-0
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Płeć: Mężczyzna
Debiut: 2008/11/14
Wiadomości: 201

Music pliss...

« : 15-12-2010 20:12:49 »

Always dreamed of a luxury boat trip on a long cruise among the best friends? Thought it would never happen?


Just on March 5, 2011 thanks top80.pl in cooperation with StenaLine and travel agents Europa Bus & Mill Tour you will be able to fulfill your desires.

If that doesn't beat all! We are pleased to invite you to

Dance top80 Rally at... ferry!


in the unique scenery of the Baltic Sea, the voyage to the colorfull Swedish Karlskrona.

From 8:00PM begin round-the-clock attractions, among them undeniably the biggest will be the meeting with virtual internet friends, this time face to face, in unusual conditions, and dancing to the music served by our wonderful DJs in 300 persons' club. It will be a chance to chat without using the keyboard, enjoy long awaited toasts, confess feelings beating deep in our hearts while listening to beloved sounds, and most of all - enjoy life.

At our disposal will be the biggest dance hall, with full table's booking. In addition, a second room next door, where you will be able to talk and eat your own sandwiches or drinks chilled with 80s video clips in the background.

We are expecting special guests at the event. Who? You will know some of them before party, and meeting the rest will knock you out on place Uśmiech

EuropaBus customers already have their offer appeared on the official web site :

Since it is our party, so prices for people registered on top80 will be much lower Uśmiech Detailed conditions will be presented within few days, after the signing of appropiate agreements with co-organizers.
It is worth to mention that on ferry you will find a shop where you can buy alcohol and cosmetics at attractive prices http://stenaline.serwery.pl/bordershop/info.html .
Stay tuned for the news and see you soon at sea adventure with top80.pl

* image001.jpg (7.18 KB, 301x99 - wyświetlony 1370 razy.)

* DSC_3819.JPG (745.47 KB, 3008x2000 - wyświetlony 1583 razy.)
« Ostatnia zmiana: 01-01-2011 17:01:27 wysłane przez wolinzet » Zapisane

Anioł nigdy nie upada. Diabeł upada tak nisko, że nigdy się nie podniesie. Człowiek upada i powstaje.

Pomocna dłoń: +7/-0
Offline Offline

Płeć: Mężczyzna
Debiut: 2008/11/14
Wiadomości: 201

Music pliss...

« Odpowiedz #1 : 26-12-2010 10:12:56 »

Here are all details of our Party on the sea Uśmiech  You mey use the Google translator to read at your language Mrugnięcie



Anioł nigdy nie upada. Diabeł upada tak nisko, że nigdy się nie podniesie. Człowiek upada i powstaje.
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Rok: 1984
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