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Zainstalowalem sobie wczoraj modna ostatnio przegladarke www Firefox. Musze przyznac ze jest ona ZDECYDOWANYM krokiem naprzod w stosunku do tego co oferuje uzywany przez wiekszosc Internet Explorer. Procz niezaprzeczalnej i od razu widocznej zalety w postaci zaimplementowania w nim paneli i otwierania w nich nowych stron przy pomocy klikniecia srodkowego przycisku myszy jest to co stanowi o najwiekszej sile tej przegladarki: mozliwosc instalowania dodatkow. A dodatkow jest sporo, ponad setka. Z najciekawszych dla mnie, ktore od razu zainstalowalem sa: zestawy narzedzi dla webmasterow, umozliwiajace analize HTMLa stron i eksperymenty ze stylami, a z bardziej uniwersalnych: rozszerzony zestaw bardzo prostego dostepu do wyszukiwarek internetowych wraz z genialnym jak dla mnie przyciskiem ktory podswietla szukane wyrazy na znalezionych stronach. Jest tez np dodatek dzieki ktoremu po najechaniu na linka do innej strony , po sekundzie pojawia sie obok obrazek z wygladem danej strony (od razu pomysl zaimplementowalem w dziale linkow na italo.top.pl - zerknijcie sobie  A teraz informacja na deser. Sa dostepne dodatki ktore umozliwiaja prosty dostep do serwisow tlumaczacych miedzy jezykami. Dzieki jednemu z nich odkrylem nastepujaca witryne: http://www.freetranslation.com/
To w jaki sposob przetlumaczyla witryne  http://discomixes.narod.ru/press/maxmix.htm wywolalo we mnie totalny zachwyt (porzecie tlumaczyl to AUTOMAT!!!):
A legendary Spanish series of collections Max Mix (v1.1)


It is necessary to bring up megamixes and at once one name occurs: Max Mix - a legendary series from Spain which has begun the new tendency in non-stop mix. With 1984 on 1997г. Toni Peret, Jose Ma. Castells, Mike Platinas and Javier Ussia created a series which on former is forgotten.

Max Mix 1
The first mix has been let out(has been released) in 1984г. In work took part Mike Platinas and Javier Ussia. The tracks which have got in structure of a mix were basically hits Italo Disco, and very cheerful, similar on мультяшную the cover of release was accompanied by words " El premier megamix espanol (the first Spanish megamix) ". Listening to this mix, it is possible to notice as cautiously Mike and Хавьер use effects and скретчи. Nevertheless it sounded enough любительски and is primitive even for those years. However such kind of mix in itself showed something new and it was full success. History Max Mix only began and promised to be long and the extremely interesting.

Max Mix 2
After big success Max Mix 1, in 1985г. appears Max Mix 2 also микшированный Mike Platinas and Javier Ussia. Appearance of a cover has been completely changed and the firm inscription " Max Mix " which has appeared will be used on all releases the nearest 10 years. One more inscription on a cover said: " El segundo megamix espanol (the second Spanish megamix). Effects were similar used in the first release, and practically all songs were hits Italo Disco. However the technics(technical equipment) of mix and selection of tracks already considerably surpassed the first release on quality.

Max Mix 3
Max Mix 2 had tremendous success. Owners of label Max Music have decided that the following release of the collection should leave on completely new qualitative level. The decision on replacement of a command(team) of the DJs working above Max Mix. Mike Platinas was accepted and Javier Ussia leave the project, and two rising stars take part in work above Max Mix 3 Spanish dj-ing-сцены: Toni Peret and Jose Ma. Castells. The new mix really completely changes the approach to creativity of mix, a plenty of new effects both скретчей is used, and Max Mix 3 considerably differs in the best party(side) from first two releases of this remarkable series. The design of a cover is sustained in the firm style incorporated in Max Mix 2, and contains an inscription " El tercer Megamix espanol (the third Spanish megamix) ". Max Mix 3 has been let out(has been released) in 1986г.

The note: dissatisfied with "dismissal" from Max Music, Mike Platinas and Javier Ussia in some months let out(release) on label ZYX Music a mix " Mas Mix Que Nunca (more mix than when or) ". The design of a cover has been developed with obvious hints on a cover of series Max Mix. Хавьер and Mike on this mix have shown, that they much to that have learned: the new mix sounded very powerfully and qualitatively, and probably it has pushed after owners Max Music to employ Mike Platinasa again. In 90 it has been invited for creation of a series " Bombazo Mix ". A series " Mas Mix Que Nunca " has been completed all after 2х releases, but Mike and Хавьер continue to cooperate as a command(team) during many years.

Max Mix 4
With output(exit) Max Mix 4, Max Music have proved more experimental label: because of growing success and improbable popularity of a series, they have let out(have released) at once three versions of a mix: a megamix uniting first three releases, a double album состящий from actually Max Mix 4 and as tracks including in mix, and also Box Set which included albums, small booklet with details and instruction, how to create your own mix. An inscription on cover Max Mix 4: " Hazte tu megamix (create the megamix) ". Toni and Хосе have again risen to new standards. Such tracks as "Geil" from Bruce and Bongo and " Holiday Rap " from Tonis and Хосе, have been mixed with mad, mad and cheerful effects in very high quality.

Max Mix 5
1987 has splashed out on the musical market so a lot of interesting and qualitative production, that Max Music lets out(releases) at once 2 mixes: Max Mix 5 part 1 and Max Mix 5 part 2. Tonis and Хосе have already found the standard of sounding and, from now on, there were no especial improvements, they behaved at very high level, and despite of a growing competition to series from other labels, Max Mix still took conducting(leading) place among others similar микшированных projects. The cover of a disk becomes better and professional, keeping thus ridiculous мультяшный character and попрежнему is drawn "by hand".

Max Mix 6
Max Mix 6 has been let out(has been released) in 1988. Obviously, Max Music have decided to go in the new way and have let out(have released) two versions: normal with dark-blue a cover, and special edition ZYX with an orange cover. Both mixes coincided only in three tracks: Tom Hooker " Feeling Okay ", Kylie Minogue " I Should Be So Lucky " and David Lyme " Never Say You Love Me ". In the rest треклисты dark blue and orange Max Mix 6 strongly differed.

Max Mix 6 ZYX Edition
Max Mix 6 from ZYX begins as exact copy Max Mix 6 from Max Music. Mixes are completely excellent(different) after the second songs: as against dark blue, orange contains more dancing euro-pop tracks, and it is more focused on clubs. Such executors as S'Express, Capella and Coldcut specify search of new directions of development of all series Max Mix.

Max Mix 7
It is not known, whether had experiment of those two editions Max Mix 6 what or influence on треклист the seventh release, but this release showed an interesting combination of Dance/Club/Pop-music of those years and as included last hits of a dying Disco-stage. The interesting fact: theme S'Express present on Max Mix 6 from ZYX again appears in Max Mix 7 let out(released) as in 1988.

Max Mix 8
Max Mix 8 (1988) was probably the most drama change in a history of a series: Max Music have joined to growing, as snow whom, to movement of music House. On light the mix completely consisting from House, Acid House and the first Techno tracks has appeared. Style of mixing also has strongly changed. Toni and Хосе have left tracks almost untouched, except for addition various семплов is direct atop of the basic themes.
The note: Obviously this House-mix made the big success: after some months after output(exit) Max Mix 8, label Max Music lets out(releases) " Acid Mix " which was смикширован all the same Toni Peret and Jose Ma. Castells, and strongly reminded Max Mix 8.
Max Mix Collection
Right after Max Mix 8, in 1989, special edition Max Mix Collection has been let out(has been released). This release was all series with 1 on 8-th releases in the compressed kind and put a fat point on epoch Disco.

Max Mix 09
Let out(Released) in 1989, Max Mix 9 has come back to roots: in the priest charts the stage итало which has revived as the Phoenix from ashes in the beginning 90х with style Italo House has returned and dominated over charts above all others (Black Box, Starlight, etc.). The bright representative European Hip House steel Technotronic, also got in this mix with the hit " Pump Up The Jam ". Also Toni and Хосе came back to roots in art of mixing: all of them still used overlay семплы, but they also again mixed songs among themselves in a unique, magnificent manner peculiar only to them. However, they also became little bit lazy: "Lambada" and " Blame It On The Boogie " have remained completely untouched, and they actually, used a remix " Pump Up The Jam " so it was not necessary even to add any effects. Max Mix 9 was not so good as previous, and was the shortest.

It is not known, whether really this release was, as assumed, the special edition before anniversary release Max Mix 10, but, in any case it(he) was issued at the end of 1989, is direct after Max Mix 9. The mix begins with track Snap! " The Power " also shows that Toni and Хосе have returned with intention by means of mix to transform each song into a hell.

Max Mix 10
The first song (Technotronic " Get Up ") is so filled with effects, скретчами and семплами as hardly probable any other song ever used in this series of mixes, and other part of a mix выдержена in the same rate. Let out(released) in 1990, anniversary Max Mix 10 the house of a stage, as 49Ers " Touch Me " and Black Box " I Don't Know Anybody Else " is completely based on tracks in style Eurohouse, and including on such hits Italian

Max Mix 11
Max Mix 11 (1991) as well as the previous, anniversary release, will consist from is hit Eurohouse, but suddenly again there are usual hits in style Europop. It is caused unexpectedly sharp pauperization Eurohouse of a stage, and predicts its(her) close end. Simultaneously this mix perhaps as recognize many, last in this series is worthy as призведение arts and a sample of the creative approach to mix.

Max Mix 12
Max Mix 12 (also 1991) - one more drama change. For the first time, they used Toni's photos and Хосе on a cover which in result leaves cheap and disappointing impression. The mix has disappointed admirers even more. Max Mix 12 was one of the first mixes who have been created with use of the digital equipment, and it was obvious, that Toni and Хосе should get used to this: sound quality was poor in comparison with 10 both 11, and effects which they used, were rather boring. Max Mix 12 - probably most unfavourable release in a series, and it is not surprising, that an original series has ended with this weakest release.

P.S. In the middle 90х Max Music undertook some attempts to reanimate a legendary series, however, these attempts have not crowned special success. In 1995 and 1996 in Germany have been let out(have been released) Max Mix 1 and Max Mix 2 (among admirers, in avoidance путанницы, them began to name Max Mix Germany 1 and Max Mix Germany 2). In 1996 two collections Max Mix USA 1 and Max Mix USA 2 also have been let out(have been released). Last attempt became let out(released) in 1997 Max Mix El Autentico Megamix. And in 1998 for the financial reasons label Max Music has stopped the existence, and founders Max Muisc have based a new label - Tempo Music.

By preparation of clause(article) materials of sites BigBlueFox XP and Discogs were used
I thank italodiscofox for the information help in creation of clause(article).

The author: DiVinyl
Wishes, comments, corrections and additions - here

Disco Mixes


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