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Disco 80 And BBB In Israel..

 (Przeczytany 741 razy)
0 użytkowników i 1 Gość przegląda ten wątek.
« : 09-10-2006 13:10:50 »

On the 7th of October there was a disco 80 live show in israel, the artists that came and performed were in this order:
*Systems In Blue *Patty Ryan *Bad Boys Blue *Afric Simone.
In all a bit over 2000 people turned up to see the show (according to the organisers).
* Systems In Blue And Patty Ryan gave a solid show and left a good taste for more, afric simone also had a lovely show and also entertained the crowds and BBB were just amazing! people loved them, they sang a total of 6 songs and people were cheering for them all the time, they sang:
1) a world without you 2) a world without you 3) gimmie gimmie your lovin' 4) baby come back 5) pretty young girl 6) your a woman, im a man.
* hundreds of people phoned and sent faxes to the very popular radio station and show (100 Fm) saying how great the show was and it was a dream come true to see BBB, Patty Ryan Etc, all were also asking for bringing BBB back to israel as soon as possible.

* few personal notes from me: A) show was very nice, but the promotion for it was not good! many people found out about the show after it! or just a day or two before it! and couldnt make it.
B)John McInerney is really a great performer, and a superp proffesioanl i hope they will be back (with the others too as soon as possible)
C) you could see easily that all the artists although they are very expierenced were very excited and emotional, Systems In Blue said very kind words and captured the crowds, Patty Ryan spoke about peace and even sang Scorpions "Wind Of Change" before singing her big hits, and you could see she was excited to perform here for the first time. afric simone although he is 61 years old is in great shape and clicked with the people very well, and ofcourse BBB, Carlos chatted with the crowds and make them sing louder but everyone eyes were on John as it was really a big treat to have him in israel for the first time and as he said, we hope there will be many more times.

« Odpowiedz #1 : 09-10-2006 13:10:47 »

One small mistake: the first song BBB sang was: 1)Come Back And Stay

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