TOP80: What was the most suprices in your visit in Mexico, the most impressions being there (I mean about country and the people living there) ? How they welcome you all? It was band success and on which kind?VT: The Mexico trip was fantastic! We could probably talk all day long about all adventures we did have over there haha!
Vision Talk was a bigger name that we thought over there. People everywhere that wanted to take a picture with the band, sign a record etc.We probably did like over thousand autographs.. a big difference for us when we play in Sweden.
We also did have time to see the culture life in Mexico.
Much old cool stuff like the Maya, Aztec cultures, old churches and so on.
We did 4 shows, and about 15 interviews, so it was a really big promo sucess for Vision Talk.
TOP80: What are the nearest plans about continuing work with Pascal from Trans X?VT: We did have a great time with Pascal and Trans X!
We have Pascal to thank for all of this!
So we are really trying to find some gigs for them over here in Sweden!
It seems like we will go back to Mexico next year, and perhaps some other countries as well!
But nothing is offical yet, but it will come.
TOP80: From where you take an inspiration Rickhard to create your music, and do you write the lyrics to all songs too?VT: Yeah, i do write almost all of the lyrics for Vision Talk.
And on the last record "Distances" i did start to do a big part of the music as well.
My inspiration can be life in general, experiences, people, but a big part of my Vision Talk lyrics also deals with Ufo-subject and all conspiracys that is going on from the big leaders.
The people have the tight to know the truth!
TOP80: When and where are possible next performances of band? I suggest after Mexico and Poland shows you become more famous in the music word…;)VT: Well, it´s true. Everyday we are reciving new fans for our facebook page from all over the world. At the same time we get a bigger pressure to do a really strong new record. But Poland and Mexico are to countries where we have really good fans!
TOP80: Do You working currently under any new records materials and on which stage is all ?VT: Me (Richard), Dennis and Krister are all working in our home studios for demos. We have tried some new material live, but if this songs will be on the new record, you never know!
We have said that we have to be 110% satisfied with a song before we will release it.
So we dont have a deadline for the new record, but at the moment we are all working hard with the music
TOP80: How Dennis evaluate work and adventure with VT as the newest member of the team, and before he came to Vision Talk if he has played in another band?VT: Yes, Dennis still has a solo-project called Edmond.
Like me and Krister we all have side projects beside of Vision Talk.
Since we all are doing a lot different kind of music this is perfect!
Dennis has bring in a fresh new start for Vision Talk!
I think the music now will be more like, modern synthpop but still keep the retro/Vision Talk sound in it!
TOP80: Besides 3 concerts in Mexico, was any common material recorded with Trans-X?VT: Actually we did 4 concerts.We where supposed to just visit Patric Millers "BIG" club in Mexico one night. And it all ended up with, that we did play some songs there. It was really cool!
We didnt record anything with Trans-X but we will play with them again in the future. A great band and great people!
TOP80: Do you keep in touch as a team and collaborate in some way with old member -Karin?
VT: Well, Sweden is a little country. Everyone knows everyone in the synth-scene. I do know she did perform on stage on one concert with the band VanGuard, and i also think she is recording some music but that´s all i know. But we wish her all good luck of course!
TOP80: How looks your team meetings in band during recording or try tests before concerts, you live all 3 members close to.. or meet and contact mostly via internet to deciding about all? VT: Well, we all live in different parts of Sweden.
When we create music we send stuff over mail to eachother.
We all have home studios, so its perfect.
When we do final mix of music we all meet up together.
Also before a concert we usually team up and rehears.
TOP80: How are your other passions in life, besides of music , what do you like to do in free time, for relax? VT: Oh, for me the word relax don´t exist haha!
No, but of course it´s nice to just relax, hang around with friends and doing all kind of things.
But it´s much music going on.
Actually i have Vision Talk + 3 sideprojects.
One of them, Machinista (
will record some songs at the end of November.
I do the music and John (Cat Rapes Dog, BAsswood Dollies) does the vocal/lyrics part.
TOP80: Thank you so much for your time, more warm greetings from TOP80 for You Rickhard, for Krister and Dennis!! Good Luck!!! We waiting for the new music suprices 
VT: Thank you for the interview, We love you Poland and would like to play for you soon again! Cheers!